Simple Monday Babymoon


Posted on : 2:59 PM | By : Anonymous | In :

Outside My Window ~ a brilliant rainstorm just pouring torrents and then suddenly breaking out in sunshine. As much fun as the sun is, I love the rain.

I Am Thinking ~ it's been a difficult weekend recovering... engorgement, cramping and terrible back pain as I learn to lie on my back again has made it tough, but I feel much better today. I think that having a baby at 24 was probably my easiest recovery, and being almost 28 it's taking longer. How do people do this at 38? 45?

I Am Thankful For ~ my awesome husband who has had to be the housewife the past few days.

From the Kitchen ~ lemonade and ham sandwiches

I Am Studying ~ not much at the moment but I am going to take up postpartum yoga to help recover

I Am Reading ~ scientific articles on the internet, mostly about psychological studies that back up The Continuum Concept principles.

I Am Hoping ~ I give as much as I take

I am Creating ~ peace. Both John and I have a bad habit of raising our voices, and we have taught that to our kids. We have similar personalities that are equally impatient and whether we are irritated or simply want to get someone's attention on the other side of the house, we tend to yell a bit - not scream, lol, but definitely louder than talking. We each have a favorite relaxation technique - I love my hair to be played with, and he loves his tummy rubbed. It's hard to get the other person to do it, so we made a deal that each time we caught the other one yelling, they owe 10 minutes of this. So far we are even - I owe 20 minutes of tummy-rubbing, and I get my hair played with for 20 minutes. It's become quite competitive.

I Am Hearing ~ video games in the other room, the rain pouring down, baby sighs coming from the newbie in my lap.

Around the House ~ John is doing all the laundry for me, which is lovely since so much bedding got peed on and then Autumn threw up on the rest of it. My mom was here for a week and she did the stuff that was behind before - I can't imagine where we would be without her!

One of My Favorite Things ~ guacamole

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week ~ get my energy level back up, not be so engorged and try to get back on my feet before John goes back to work

Comments (2)

Congratulations on your new baby! I was almost 21 with my first, 34 with my second, and 38 with my third, all girls, born in the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s!

I hope you have a quick and complete recovery. I enjoyed reading your daybook.


Welcome to baby! I enjoyed reading your thoughts today- glad I found your blog!