Some High Points on the Trip


Posted on : 9:13 AM | By : Anonymous | In : ,

The picture above is John's plane he was about to get on to fly to Reno. I thought I would write this because he's still not back and it's been almost a week and I miss him. We play a game I've always played since reading the book Pollyanna called The Glad Game - and this is my Glad Post. He really liked flying, and he was the emergency exit man so he had a good seat.

I am so glad we didn't get the Pittsburgh bus (see post here). We thought he would get back from Pennsylvania in six days! LOL I am also glad my Dad is a former Caterpillar mechanic and can give us good advice, even late at night.

I am glad John found the sticker for the gas tank! The fuel gauge doesn't work so not knowing how much was in there was a big worry. Turns out the tape was still on when they painted the bus blue. I'm glad John is a handy guy and got himself a tool set and was able to fix the windshield wiper.

While he was fixing it he realized it was missing a part and he was going to take the one out on the passenger side (which worked) so at least the driver's side would work. He went in the bus to get a tool and happened to look down behind his seat - and there was the part! Just laying there on the floor! How and why it was there will remain a mystery, but it is exactly why we are doing this crazy project. It's difficult to explain and I hesitate to use purely religious terms - but when you pursue your destiny and what is really important, times get tough. When times are tough, you are forced to rely on faith, and the people involved are brought closer together. So I suppose because we willingly admit we have very little faith during our regular hum drum daily routine, we are forcing ourselves to rely on it and each other. And you know what? We are happier. :)

Also since the bus can't go much faster than 55 mph we are getting really good gas mileage, lol.

Comments (2)

I've been thinking a lot about the trip John's on and how brave he is to venture out so far and bring back a home for you all. Holding down the fort minus one partner isn't for the faint of heart either ;)

One thing that is certain for any of us trying to carve out a life of our own making is that we are forced to stretch out far beyond our previous boundaries. I find it all exhilerating, yet it's a lot of hard work and sometimes scary. Just can't buy this sort of freedom at walmart :D

Thanks Vegbee :) It is definitely scary and the exact opposite of convenient, lol.

I am so glad he's home!