Simple Monday


Posted on : 9:26 AM | By : Anonymous | In : ,

The alternative to the simple Monday is 20 favorite things, so I thought I would try it. I am alone for a couple of hours today - Annie is at pottery and John has gone off with Autumn to take a look at a used Land Rover. Part of it is to check out the engine, and part of it is to measure the back seat to see if it can hold three car seats. I've always wanted a Land Rover classic - its the perfect camping vehicle, lol.

20 Of My Favorite Things (do I have to pick one favorite each?)

1. Color - a turquoise-icy blue
2. Dessert - pecan pie (actually most kinds of pie)
3. Smell - vanilla, roses, babies
4. Flower - daises, especially the big colorful Gerbera ones. I had those at my wedding. It was a very colorful wedding. :)
5. Animal - dogs, dolphins, elephants
6. Month - December (I love Christmas!), but July is a close second
7. Beverage - strawberry smoothie
8. Pair of shoes-currently...right now I am wearing things I don't have to bend over to put on, but I love boots - rubber garden boots, snow boots and those big, fluffy ones people are wearing nowadays. My husband sighs when he sees me in shorts with a pair of rubber boots on - it's just not attractive, lol.
9. Snack - recently, cranberries and veggie chips. I really love dried apples though.
10. Song - currently...anything by Sigur Ros
11. Book - currently...Duggar Family
12. Fruit - strawberries
13. Hairstyle - two braids, one on each side (a bit immature eh?)
14. Piece of clothing - currently... whatever I can fit, but normally I love jeans and a t-shirt
15. Store to clothes shop - the thrift store is my favorite place because of all the crazy stuff you can find, but for new clothes, the Gap, lol. A bit sad I know... but its the only place with pants that fit me and I like the old-fashioned look of many of the items. I try to avoid it, I promise!
16. Season - fall, but I love each season for its own merits
17. Hobby - writing! knitting, sewing, painting, and music are all close seconds though
18. Thing to collect - I collect weird pins and tacky antique fake jewelry, self-published books of the 1960's-70's, and any antique books too.
19. Movie - Little Women (the one with Winona Ryder), but I love The Life Aquatic and the Dead Poets Society
20. Restaurant - IHOP. lol any restaurant that will serve me pancakes all day wins in my book, lol. I don't actually get to eat there very often, but actually I really love The Olive Garden, which we also don't have. You get bread! In a basket!

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